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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fairy Tail Season 2 Episode 7 Review

What They Say:
“Burning Ground”
When Lucy and Yukino get their Celestial Spirit keys back, they summon various old comrades to combat the goofy-looking but powerful Uosuke, master of natural disasters!
The Review: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
There’s something I love about Fairy Tail and episodes like this showcase it so much. So often, Fairy Tail is down and thought to be out. The entire time skip was them being down, but we have to remember that Fairy Tail is never, ever out.
This time, Lucy and her group are stuck in lava that’s thought to just engulf them in their unforgiving flames. That moment, the one where they’re going to lose unless a miracle happens, is when a miracle does happen. Loke, who’s able to summon himself under his own magic, appears with Horologium. The clock-man saves Arcadios, who was willing to sacrifice himself and walk through the lava in order to save Lucy and Yukino.
I know it’s coming, for one because I’ve read the manga but for two because of course they’re not going to die. I know it’s coming and despite that I love these moments no matter what. I love that feeling of a friend coming to save another, and that bond is even more resonant with Lucy and her Celestial Spirits. The bond between her and them is great is maybe only eclipsed by her bond between her and her guildmates.
With the Celestial Spirits back, Lucy and Yukino can finally fight on even ground with Uosuke. He controls the terrain, and can make it lava, ice, water, and I’m sure many other things. These combinations mess with Lucy and Yukino’s Celestial Spirits to a great degree, but at least the gravity is always the same now that Yukino can summon Libra.
Though we think the battlefield is even, Uosuke is the more powerful magician, I think, and it’s going to take cunning to defeat him. In the last moments, Lucy summons Aquarius, who hopefully has that cunning. The true forms of Pisces weren’t enough, nor was Loke’s overwhelming charm.

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