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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fairy Tail Season 2 Episode 11 Review

What They Say:
“The Future Speeding Towards Despair”
Erza’s battle royale with Kagura finally ends in an unexpected way. Also, we learn of the untold connection between the two combatants. And will Natsu and his team ever escape from the palace with Lucy and future Lucy?!
The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
It’s been a long while since Fairy Tail has really hit me. I mean, it’s been ample for this kind of moment, but it just hasn’t gotten there yet. I remember when Natsu was crawling atop the train, Gajeel and Sting close behind, saying that he has to get what few points he can for the friends that waited seven years for him. How great a moment is that?
We get that again with the moment between Erza and Kagura. Erza’s from the same village as Kagura and, in fact, saved her when the children enslavers came. Erza hid Kagura. She’s been hoping that Kagura’s safe for all these years, even now. And she finally knows that Kagura’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about because Kagura could be stronger than Erza.
The moment is built up, and that’s why it works. Simon’s name has been brought up time and time again, because that’s one of Erza’s best friends and Kagura’s older brother. He’s the tie that binds the two together and drives them closer. Erza was able to hear stories about Kagura in the prison, which kept her going. Simon saved her life when Jellal was being manipulated by Ultear. It’s safe to say without Simon, Erza could be dead. And without Simon, Kagura couldn’t be as strong and as driven as she is.
Elsewhere, the Fairy Tail rescue team are lost; battles intensify as it’s now Gray and Juvia v. Lyon and Chelia as well as Laxus v. Orga v. Jura; and the queen seems to only be capable of thinking that her decision on whether to use eclipse hinges on the outcome of the Grand Magic Games. But oh well, there’s always the first half.

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