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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fairy Tail Season 2 Episode 12 Review

What They Say:
Future Lucy warns of an impending attack by a swarm of over 10,000 dragons, but does she have a solution? And is she even telling the truth? Jellal, for one, doesn’t think so!
The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
It is constantly friends—nakama—that drives Fairy Tail. Future Lucy and her friends and now Rogue and Frosch.
But how far does that trust take you when you’ve literally lost everything? Apparently not that far because, through Arcadios, we learn that Future Lucy is lying about a few things, like her arrival date. Present Lucy would never think of doing that, but Future Lucy seems only to have reservations. So what’s happened that caused her to do that? You’d think that losing her friends would spurn her to be truthful toward them, but no. There’s something far greater that’s making her not want to tell the truth and it’s yet revealed.
Rogue and Gajeel’s fight seems over before it ever began as Rogue’s fighting spirit seems to have been dashed by Gajeel’s words. But there’s a dark magic inside of Rogue that controls him, ordering him to kill Gajeel. The dark magic takes over and the fight goes south quickly. Sabertooth is the exact antithesis of Fairy Tail. It values power over all else and Rogue is not the one with power; he sees this merely by looking at Gajeel yet he fights. He wants to surpass the man he looked up to and cannot. Rogue is the story of a failure still trying and there’s something endearing about that.
There’s also the impending threat of Eclipse and now of 10,000 dragons reigning over the city. In Future Lucy’s timeline, they destroy everything and kill lots of people. That needs to be prevented at all costs, but no one seems to have a plan for it. This is seemingly driving some plot forward, but I much preferred the redemption of Fairy Tail plotline than this one and, frankly, I could do without any world destroying in Fairy Tail after a (in their world) seven year absence.
The bit with the guy who was a dolphin(?) was filler and I really have no words for it.

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